
EM INGLÊS: artigo avalia mapas colaborativos sobre ditadura militar

A revista Estudos em Comunicação publicou o artigo “Brazilian Military Dictatorship and New Cartographic Forms: Collective Memory and Collaborative Digital Maps“, com autoria de Allysson Martins e Ana Migowski.

Resumo: The current quest, on and offline, for the resignification of sites of memory referring to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) motivates this investigation. Two collaborative digital maps, that illustrate collective memorial practices, have been selected as case studies. The description and analysis of these projects based on concepts such as space, time, silencing and participation indicate that: a) there is a movement drawing attention to silenced memories that are left aside within the urban space; b) the cartographies carry on meanings related to the intentionalities of their producers and participants; c) the data legitimacy is fostered by the usage of links to news and other important websites, as well as testimonies; and d) predominate the presentation of certain brazilian regions’ memories. The cultural phenomena indicate, therefore, ways of elaborating collective memories supported by digital media.


MíDI - Laboratório de Mídias Digitais e Internet

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